Help us build a foundation for ministry – Lenten Appeal

Re-engage your young people’s faith.
A retreat with a NET Team will give your youth an opportunity to hear about, respond to and live for Jesus Christ.

Retreat Ministry

Connecting with youth about their faith can be difficult.

Many young people lose their faith by the time they leave high school.

Many educators & youth ministers struggle to transmit the gospel in a way that gets to the heart.

What it looks like

A NET Retreat led by a team of our vibrant young adult missionaries can effectively offer your young people a simple, clear message of God’s love and a chance to experience the Gospel personally. We work with you to reach many youth in a short time and build momentum for your local youth ministry. Effective. Convenient. Flexible.

6-10 dynamic young adults who can easily relate to young people

6 retreat themes to choose from

Small group discussions, games and activities, and live testimony presentations

Guided prayer time and a personal invitation to commit to Christ

The message of God’s unending love for your youth

Why Us

Conducted over 5,000 retreats in 40 different dioceses

Prayed with more than 300,000 youth

Supported by the Canadian Bishops

  • “The presenters were fun and engaging and connected well with the kids. The student feedback was very positive. […] It is awesome to have young adults as role models for our students who are just in their teen years.”

    - Teacher

  • “[My small group leader] is one of the best people I’ve ever met. She’s so nice and so positive about everything. Thank you so much for helping me believe in God and be a better person. Thank you!”

    - NET Retreat Participant

How the Process Works

What Do Retreat Teams Do?

Backed by a professional Staff Team and over 600 hours of Ministry Formation, educators can lean into the NET Team’s support to plant seeds of faith in their youth through the facilitation of retreats, classroom presentations and other opportunities for evangelization and discipleship.

We provide the opportunity for schools and parishes across Canada to have a fully packaged retreat run by one of our retreat teams. 

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