Help us build a foundation for ministry – Lenten Appeal

Greetings from the road!


We, Retreat Team 1, have had a wonderful start to our mission year! We have been on the road for about a month now and we’ve had the luck of seeing northern Ontario in its full autumn glory. We have been fortunate enough to see not only the beauty of nature but also the beauty of God working through us as well as in the hearts of the youth. By now, we’ve done about 20 retreats and have encountered about 1000 youth!


In this month of the rosary, we have truly seen the fruits of the intercession of Our Blessed Mother. Throughout October, we had many youth take the initiative and ask us for rosaries. During one of our retreats, one retreatant asked if she could keep one of the rosaries that we had available for them to use during prayer time. Later on, many of her friends started asking for rosaries as well and all together, they learnt how to pray it! During that same retreat, many youth also asked for rosaries, bibles, prayer cards, and prayer booklets. The demand for all of these items has been high and it’s been so amazing to see the youth taking the next step forward in growing their relationship with God. It’s quite a blessing to be able to witness the Holy Spirit move so powerfully.


As a team, we have grown considerably in this first month of ministry. We have spent countless hours with each other running retreats together, praying together, travelling together, and having fun together. We have all gotten to know each other quite well over the past month and at times, it feels like we’ve known each other for years. We are excited to grow closer as a team and to also grow closer to God. The Lord has truly blessed us and we are so thrilled to continue on this journey that He is leading us on. Most of all, we can’t wait to continue bringing Christ to the youth of this country. We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to be witnesses to these youth and to be instruments for the Lord’s will. 


God Bless,

Retreat Team 1 (Chris, Grace, Ange, Anthony, John Paul, Kirk, Mikaila, Serena)

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