Help us build a foundation for ministry – Lenten Appeal

“Yet I live, no longer, but Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me.” Galatians 2:20

Have you ever had the courage to make this simple prayer: “Lord let it be you that lives in me and no longer I.” Imagine if we all made this prayer, allowing Him to take control of our actions, words, relationships etc. The world would be set on fire with Christ.

Have you ever allowed the Lord to fill you in a way so abundantly it exudes from your being and pours out into those around you? Have you given Christ the freedom to move within you and take over?

We oftentimes fear giving the Lord free range in our lives. The ability He has to relinquish our will and plans for His can terrify us. We fear losing ourselves, not having what it takes, not being holy enough or perfect enough. We resist the One that has freely given His life, His blood in exchange for ours and the truth is, He would do it again, solely out of love for us. Do you have the courage to let it be Him that lives in you, will I?

We don’t need to wait until we’re perfect or holier to let Him in, He actually wants us just as we are. He sees, knows and loves us. Knowing that we are broken and hurt, He still wants to live in us, He still wants to be close to us. He knocks on the door of our hearts, but He will never force his way in. He always gives us a choice, the freedom to choose Him.

I encourage you to make this prayer: “Lord let it be you that lives in me and not I.” See what blessings he has to offer you through your sacrifice to give yourself entirely to Him.

-Jaqueline Ceron, Keewatin Le-Pas Team

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