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Have a Donut!

The rustle of trees shedding their leaves, the gradual drops in temperature, and the shorter length of daylight hours are particular to the month of October. Not to mention the weekend visits to the pumpkin patch, corny costume parties with friends, and lengthy marathons of horror movies that characteristically make their way into our schedules at the closing of the month.

But what happens on November 1st?

On the Church’s liturgical calendar, November 1st marks the Feast of All Saints. It is a day to celebrate the communion of Saints – men and women who have gone before us and chose to place Christ at the centre of their lives. Catholics around the world give thanks and petition for the intercession of these holy witnesses who readily help and guide us along our path of life.

Let’s celebrate them, and thank them for cheering us on to our Heavenly home!

Here are 4 Ways to celebrate the Feast of All Saints’ Day:

  • Go to Mass. Join the litany of Saints around the altar and receive the grace that God so deeply desires to give you on this Holy Day of Obligation.
  • Pray. Pray in a more intentional and intimate way for the intercession of a saint. Votive candles and icons are great tools to draw our attention to them in prayer.

“Dear God, thank you for the example of the Saints. I desire to join in their company, worshiping you forever in Heaven. Please help me follow their footsteps, and yours, Jesus Christ. Please help me to conform myself to Your image, seeking Your will in all things, as the Saints did. Please help me to devote myself, and all that I do, to Your glory, and to the service of my neighbours. Amen.”

Check out this litany of the Saints!

  • Read. Choose a new saint to learn about. Read or listen to their stories and research what they are the patron or patroness of!
  • Make Donuts. Legend has it that as a way to remind trick-or-treaters of the importance of this Holy Day, a baker handed out donuts with a hole in the middle, as a sweet, delicious, visual reminder of our universal call to holiness and eternal life with Christ.


In the midst of all the sugary candy and lavish costumes, remember the holy men and women who have run the race and now intercede for us.

Happy Feasting!


written by Jacqueline Cole, Staff Member

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