It’s Retreat Team Two back with February updates! Man, this month flew by. We travelled from Le Rouge to Bonnieville, St.Paul to Drayton Valley, Wetaskawin to Edmonton and now were enjoying the warm weather and mountains of Vancouver. Everything in between has been an absolute adventure.
Honestly there are dozens of highlights from the past few weeks- the supervisors visiting the team-encouraging us and bringing a new pep to our step, the host homes and people met along the way, our Edmonton decernment night, the fruitful retreats, the beautiful views as we travel west- lets just say we’re feeling deeply blessed these days.
Retreats have been going great! We’ve all stepped into the groove of things and are all looking to grow and create a better retreat than before. But we all know there’s only so much we can do and when God wants something to happen He’ll make it happen.
An amazing mission moment from this month happened in Bonnieville, Alberta:
“During small group, I asked the youth if they believed in God and who He was to them. One of the youth, a grade 7 girl, said that she didn’t believe in God and didn’t know who He was because her family was not Catholic and she had just moved to the Catholic school. Later in prayer ministry, she asked me to pray that she grow in her relationship with God. After praying with her, I told her that growing her relationship with God may not always be easy but it is the same as becoming friends with someone, if you say yes to hanging out with them once or twice, it gets easier to say yes again and again and all of the sudden you’re best friends. I also shared that God will always be there for her and to turn to him in prayer. Then, with the brightest smile, she said “Thank you so much!”. Finally, the third small group came around and she was so open and curious about the Catholic Church and God. When I gave her a Treasure in Heaven book she said “I can’t wait to start!”
We’re all really excited about how God’s working and how the youth are receiving Him. Team life has been fun and lively, from adventures through the Edmonton mall to a walk to the mountains in BC ending in an ice cream run. I think we’ve all been finding joy in each other and God’s beautiful creation. If I had to pick one word to describe the mood over here I’d say we’re grateful- grateful to be together, with God and living the lives we live.
Till next time!
Big hugs,
Team 2