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Forms to Complete ASAP

We need to collect some information from you now that you have been accepted to NET. Please fill out, sign and submit the following forms:

Missionary Policies

Complete this form first!


Missionary Information Form

Complete this form within a week of your acceptance.




Missionary Travel Information Form

Once you have confirmed with the Partnership Coordinator that you can book your travel plans and have confirmed your booking(s), please fill out this form within 24 hours.

Dress Code

NET is a missionary organization. In challenging young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church, it is necessary to maintain a level of professionalism. How we dress helps avoid unnecessary roadblocks for young people hearing the Gospel message that we bring. Please see our dress codes below:

Dress Code for Men

Dress Code for Women


Spiritual Preparation

The Gospel message we bring and share with young people flows from our relationship with God. We cannot give what we don’t have, and we must spiritually prepare, as Jesus did in His ministry, for carrying the Gospel to young people.


Now, let’s get ready for your NET year!

Preparing for NET