Marie-Anne Gagnon, Afton Station, NS

Greetings and Salutations!

My name is Marie-Anne and I am from the ocean-bound province of Nova Scotia. You will usually find me drawing in my sketchbook, listening to music, building with Lego, or just goofing off with friends! As a kid, I had attended a few NET family retreats. I loved how the teams were so lively and joyful. The skits, the music, and the prayer were all things that hit home for me.

NET inspired me to want to be a missionary and share my faith with others, so I applied to be part of the team. It was my dream for a long time to be a missionary, but on my first try at NET, they told me to wait because I was too young. I then decided to put that idea aside and pursue my studies. But in more recent times I have heard God calling me to re-apply for NET, and this time it worked! I am finally a missionary! I am currently placed on a travelling team called Retreat Team 2 along with 8 other wonderful young people sharing the good news.

As a missionary, we depend entirely on the kindness and generosity of others, just as Jesus said in Mark 6:8 “He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick – no food, no sack, no money in their belts.” So, as someone who must depend entirely on others, I would like to ask you to financially support me and the ministry I am going to pursue. Your help is greatly appreciated, and with your aid will help myself and others train for our work and travel to spread the word. I would also like to mention that if you donate $50 or more, or decide to donate monthly, you will receive a NET newsletter and personal updates from our travels throughout the year!

Thank you so much for your time and support.

May God bless you.