“How do I say yes to Jesus?”
It may be hard to believe, but this was the question asked by a young person at a recent NET retreat, and it’s a question echoed across our country. It’s a question young people need an answer to. The problem is, sometimes there’s no one there to answer it.
Each mission year, NET sends out dozens of young, passionate missionaries striving to reach the youth they meet. Each missionary is praying for that single conversation where they can invite youth into a personal encounter with God.
In honor of NET Canada’s 30th Anniversary, you can help us build a foundation of youth ministry in Canada for 30 more to come. Youth across Canada deserve the chance not only to encounter Christ, but to give their lives to him, to say “Yes, Jesus, I want a relationship with you.” You can make it possible. Please consider being a part of this important work of evangelization and donating.