Help us build a foundation for ministry – Lenten Appeal

Walking with your youth in their faith journey.
A team of young adults in your community for two years, re-engaging young people in their Catholic faith.

Discipleship Ministry

What we’ve heard ministry leaders say

“I’m struggling to reach young people the way I desire because of limited resources”

“I want my kids to have good role models in the faith and always remain Catholic”

“I’m concerned for the future of the my parish and the Church”

What it looks like

A team of young adult missionaries come to your community for up to two years. This team will share their faith and journey with your young people. They will reach out to unchurched youth and draw them into a relationship with Christ and accompany those students who are committed followers of Christ, taking them deeper. Perfect for your parish, school or diocese!

5-7 dynamic young adults who can easily relate to young people

2 ministry years in your community

Inspiring faith studies in small groups

Reaching out to local Catholic schools

Creating or renewing your youth groups

Life-changing retreats for youth

Why Us

Conducted over 5,000 retreats in 40 different dioceses

Prayed with more than 300,000 youth

Implemented 1-2 year long programs in over 50 communities

Supported by the Canadian Bishops

  • “Today I felt really connected to God, especially during the prayer time. I felt like He was in the room with us and I was embracing His love.”

    - Female, Grade 9

  • “I and all in the parish who have met, worked with or experienced the joy, enthusiasm, and self-evident love of Christ in the team, are both happy and grateful for the great work they have begun here and will continue to do in the months ahead”

    - Fr. Charles Forget, St. Leo the Great Parish

  • “The NET Team helped me reclaim my faith, and I am so grateful for that”

    - Female, Grade 9

How the Process Works

What do Discipleship Teams Do?

Backed by a professional staff team and over 600 hours of ministry formation, priests, parents and ministry leaders can lean into the NET Team’s support to plant seeds of faith in their youth through the facilitation of youth groups, small group Bible studies, classroom presentations and other opportunities for evangelization and discipleship.

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Think Big!

What could you do with a NET Team at your school, parish or diocese over the course of two years? If you are interested in starting a conversation about having a Discipleship Team, please contact our Discipleship Ministry Coordinator at

Speak to the Discipleship Coordinator