Help us build a foundation for ministry – Lenten Appeal

Stock Shares

Donating appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy and tax-effective way for you to make a gift to NET. To complete a stock gift, please download this form and contact Heather at 613-841-4141.

Real Estate

Donating appreciated real estate, such as a home, vacation property, undeveloped land, farmland, or commercial property can make a great gift.

Gifts for Forever

Bequests in a Will

Making a bequest in our wills to NET Canada is a simple way to leave your legacy for the Catholic youth of Canada.

Life Insurance

A gift of life insurance is an affordable way to make a substantial gift, and in some cases, your annual premium is considered a charitable contribution and is tax deductible.

Endowment Fund

A gift to NET’s Endowment Fund (not yet established), or setting up a private fund in your family’s name provides an everlasting source of revenue. The initial gift remains in the fund while NET Canada continues its mission with the aid of interest income generated by the fund.

For Legacy Gifts, please seek the advice of an accountant and /or lawyer experienced in estate and trust planning.

For further questions please contact or call the NET Office toll-free in Canada 1-877-521-4426.

Giving FAQs