Who we are
Many young people lose their faith by the time they leave high school. We send teams of young adults to share their faith in schools and churches so youth are transformed and re-engaged in their Catholic faith.
Mission statement
To challenge young catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church
It is accomplished by:

Proclaiming the Gospel of
Christ through a personal
witness of faith

Inviting young people
to live for Christ

Forming young people in Christian character through the study and practice of our faith

Equipping youth workers and young adults with the ministry skills needed for evangelization
2024-2025 NET Teams

2024-2025 Missionaries
Back (L-R): Serena Powder-Case (Stony Plain, AB), Chris Vandenberg (Lucan, ON), Jamie Jones (North Bay, ON), Anthony Lombardi (Montreal, QC), Joshua Kurzitza (Edmonton, AB), Dominic Rinaldi (South Saint Paul, USA), John Paul Tomaszewski (Strathroy, ON), Kirk Holyk (Stonewall, MB), Patrick Wasch (Calgary, AB), Marie-Anne Gagnon (Afton Station, NS)
Front (L-R): Grace Foy (Donegal, Ireland), Ange Nessa Amanda (Ottawa, ON), Juanita Guevara (Langley, BC), Cony Garcia (San Diego, CA, USA), Mikaila Joanette (Ottawa, ON), Amy Tinajero (Texas, USA), Ellie Germain (Fort McMurray, AB), Dakota Ayotte (Ottawa, ON)

Retreat Team 2
Back (L-R): Dominic Rinaldi (South Saint Paul, USA), Joshua Kurzitza (Edmonton, AB), Marie-Anne Gagnon (Afton Station, NS), Dakota Ayotte (Ottawa, ON)
Front (L-R): Juanita Guevara (Langley, BC), Ellie Germain (Fort McMurray, AB), Cony Garcia (San Diego, CA, USA), Amy Tinajero (Texas, USA)
Board of Directors

Archbishop Marcel Damphousse
Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall, Ontario
On May 6, 2020, Archbishop Marcel Damphousse was named the coadjutor archbishop of the newly created Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall. He succeeded Archbishop Terrence Prendergast following the latter’s retirement on December 3, 2020. As a priest of the Archdiocese of St. Boniface, before becoming a bishop in 2012, he was an instructor at the Manitoba Catholic School of Evangelization, a vocations director, and a Catholic high-school chaplain. Archbishop Marcel is proud to serve on the board of directors of NET Ministries Canada because he truly believes in the power of youth sharing their faith with their peers.
Archbishop Marcel Damphousse

Bishop Scott McCaig
Diocese of St John, New Brunswick
Bishop Riesbeck of the Diocese of Saint John, New Brunswick is passionate about living the Joy of the Gospel and leading people into a deep encounter with Jesus and the Church. His pastoral focus is to raise up disciples who are joyfully living out the mission, proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, and making disciples of others. Bishop Riesbeck encourages people to give God permission to build a Church that is explosively alive. His long standing support of NET allows him to contribute to one of his greatest joys, which is to see young people give their hearts to Jesus and discover the true meaning of their lives in Him.
Bishop Scott McCaig

Elizabeth Sanesh
Diocese of Calgary, AB
Elizabeth Sanesh lives in Calgary AB with her loving husband Desmond and their five beautiful children. Elizabeth was born and raised in Tucson, AZ and came to Canada as a NET missionary for the first parish team in 2001-2002, followed by a traveling team in 2002-2003. She went on to serve on NET staff as a team supervisor and parish team coordinator from 2003-2008. These years were both formative and transformative! Elizabeth’s family has been blessed to host NET missionaries in Calgary. Elizabeth homeschools her three youngest children, while serving with her husband in various ministries such as marriage preparation, marriage mentorship, and parish-based evangelization. She recently completed a three-year formation program and now serves as a spiritual director. Elizabeth is passionate about making Christ known and loved! She prays for all young people to be given the opportunity and grace to say yes to the life changing gift of Christ’s personal love for them.
Elizabeth Sanesh

James Mikulasik
Co-Founder & Director
Archdiocese of Kingston, Ontario
James Mikulasik grew up in Kamloops, B.C. in a loving, Catholic, Cursillo, ranching/logging family. After graduating from Olds Agriculture College, James went on NET USA in 1988 and NET USA Staff from 1989-1994. In 1994 James brought NET to Canada where it was launched in Ottawa, Ontario. He served as Executive Director for NET Canada from 1994 – 2008. In 2004 he was instrumental in bringing NET to Ireland and starting NET Ireland. Involved in residential land development, James and his wife Pati have two boys ages 19 and 21 and currently reside in Carleton Place, Ontario. James and his family pray the rosary together and love their Catholic life. James has been on the NET boards for both NET Canada and NET Ireland since their beginnings.
James Mikulasik
Co-Founder & Director

Jean Lafrance
Archdiocese of Winnipeg, Manitoba
Jean Lafrance hails from the parish of Holy Cross in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He is a husband and father of five amazing children ages 7-18. Jean’s desire to live out his Catholic faith began as a child and was greatly influenced by his devout grandmother. While spending three years in seminary in Ottawa, Jean experienced the ministry of NET Canada and since then he has come to know and become friends with many NET missionaries and staff. Currently working as an engineer, Jean is honored to be a member of the NET board and prays that the Lord will continue to bless this organization in its many endeavors.
Jean Lafrance

Lisa Polk
Archdiocese of Regina, Saskatchewan
Lisa Polk currently serves as the Director of Pastoral Services for the Archdiocese of Regina. She has hosted NET missionaries in her home and enjoyed praying with the young people and experiencing their witness to the faith. Lisa enjoys walking, golfing, and spending time with her husband and adult daughters. She has a zeal for the Lord and lives her call to leadership with compassion and generosity. Serving on the NET board and sharing her passion and expertise in the area of board governance is fulfilling for Lisa. She appreciates working with others and the variety of gifts they bring.
Lisa Polk
NET’s mission is made possible by the many people who give of their time, their talents, their treasures and their hearts. Anyone who helps out by donating, volunteering or hosting our missionaries is a co-missionary.
Interested in becoming a co-missionary? Here are some ways you can help!

Host Missionaries
Provide NET Missionaries with meals and a place to sleep while they are in your town

Give financially to support the work of NET Missionaries sharing the Gospel with young people across Canada.

Lend your time and talent to fill the many support roles that make NET’s mission possible.

NET (National Evangelization Teams) Ministries officially began in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1982. After a team of young adults spent a few weeks conducting retreats in local high schools, high demand for these retreats developed and NET Ministries was born. In 1994, James Mikulasik and Tiffany Scott, two Canadians who were missionaries in Minnesota, responded to an invitation from Archbishop Emeritus Marcel Gervais, to come to Ottawa and NET Canada was born.
NET Canada began as one travelling retreat team, but quickly expanded with the addition of more teams. Soon, parishes began requesting more follow-up to NET retreats and parish ministry teams were born. Over the years, NET Canada has sent teams to Ireland and multiple french communities in Canada, as well to northern Indigenous communities in the Diocese of Mackenzie-Fort Smith and the Archdiocese of Keewatin-La Pas.
Since the founding of NET Canada, over 700 young adults have served as NET missionaries and over 300,000 young people have heard the Gospel through an encounter with a NET team. Young people’s lives are being transformed through an encounter with Jesus Christ, and we hope to continue bringing hope and re-engaging youth in their Catholic faith for years to come!